With over a million apps in Apple / Google’s app store we think that transparency to app search is still an unsolved problem. We are using latest asynchronous database technology to provide a fast, intuitive solution. We have many unique features to improve the search for apps:
The price slider enables the user to narrow down the pricing range of listed apps intuitively and it’s a fun tool to play around with. The apps are changing while you are changing the range.
Also the search tags which are surrounding the text input field enable the user to go deeper in search. This is beta and will be improved step by step. Click on the screenshot to see it in action!
The app mesh recommends apps connected to the picked one. We developed our own algorithm which offers related content and will be improved further step by step.
The age filter let’s you pick apps just for your kids for example.
The minimum rating filter excludes apps which are below 3,5 / 4 / 4,5 stars. So you will get just the best apps… if you want.
The in-app purchase filter makes sure you don’t get caught in hidden in-app purchases.
Sorting of results is possible for downloads, rating or relevance. More sorting options will be applied step by step.
Knicket also features videos of Android apps (if provided) and store rankings. And… We pick apps in daily refreshed lists in all categories for inspiration.
Overall, this is just the beginning. More features are in development to make Knicket the most complete and fastest app search engine out there. So far Knicket is optimized for desktop and tablet devices. A web mobile version is to be expected early 2014.