This great little app clears up what is in your food. Just scan the product barcodes and Buycott will find out what company owns that product (and who owns that company, ad infinitum). How awesome is this? Especially for all of us, that are afraid that Monsanto ingredients are actually in most of the processed food products out there in the supermarkets.
For me it’s a company that juggles with genetical engineering in a dangerous way, because the costumer is not aware how these products are everywhere in the shelves and also because long term consequences of consuming these products are unclear.
Of course everyone should buy whatever she/he likes but Buycott for me is another proof how helpful apps can be and that some of them should be more integrated in daily life. Buycott offers also background information about a couple of other companies which is also good to know WHILE you are about to buy their products. You are alos able to join campaigns of companies that are doing good and avoid taking sides with companies that oppose your position. I think Buycott is an awesome idea turned into an app, KNICKET will 100% support this app. It is out for iPhone and Android devices.
KNICKET says: An absolute must have for any costumers, that wants to be informed about the origin of the food she/he eats. 10/10