Published on December 30th, 2013 | by John

Game Preview: Shadowmatic

Creating shapes on the wall through light and shadow must be as old as people sitting around a  fire. However, english artists Tim Noble and Sue Barnes translated that concept into inspiring pieces of modern art.


copyright: wikipedia


Now a game for iPone and iPad picks up that idea and turns it into an 3D puzzle. Random and abstract sculptures made out of stone or metal have to be turned until their shadows are showing a complete object. Although Zen Bound comes to our mind in terms of gameplay, the whole game seems original and leaves us wondering why this hasn´t been done before.

The preview is even more fascinating considering the fact that this will be the first app of Armenian animation Studio Triada. Being around for 20 years their 3D skills are obvious, building the perfect base to execute the idea into a stunning puzzler. We are curious to play it!


About the Author


Apps lover, Tech and Movie fan. I created the "Nighty Night" HD and "Little Fox Music Box" Apps with my Team. My Role: CEO / Executive Producer

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