Published on February 2nd, 2014 | by John


No big promo, no big company, no long history as a developer. Nguyen Ha Dong based in Hanoi Vietnam created a hit that every game developer dreams of. His 8 bit one-touch flappy bird is No.1 in the Apple Appstore as of Feb 2nd. 29 year old  tells Techcrunch that it was just luck: “I don’t know how my games can be so popular. Most of my players are kids in schools. I would like to thanks them for playing my game and sharing it to other people.”. He has even two more games in top twenty: Super Ball Juggling (currently #2) and Shuriken Block (#6) are beating supersellers like Clash of Clans, Candy Crush and Game of War, made by multibillion dollar companies. It took him “2-3 days” to make this Nguyen tells Techcrunch, at that was enough to make people going through 9 emotional stages during a 10 minute gameplay, as gamesbeat notes. The most intense for sure is frustration because i made 5 points after 1 hour of gameplay. Fascinating to see that the competetiveness of this little casual game drives people even more to it. Check out our video of this guy making a score of 90!


About the Author


Apps lover, Tech and Movie fan. I created the "Nighty Night" HD and "Little Fox Music Box" Apps with my Team. My Role: CEO / Executive Producer

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