Creation of 3D hologram with “Holho” and a smartphone
The Holho is a relatively cheap device that enables users to create a 3D hologram with their smartphone or tablet device.
One of the latest and most innovative products is that of the HOLHO phone and pad amongst other technological products within the HOLHO collection. The device enables users to easily construct hologram displays of their own choice, even using their own images by just using an app downloaded to their tablet device or smartphone. The equipment does this using a pyramid structure, which incorporates reflective surfaces taking any photographic image or video captured or downloaded onto the tablet device or smartphone, dividing this file into four images that are then projected onto the surfaces of the pyramid, hence becoming the holographic image seen and admired.
Although this Holho technology is hardly breakthrough, especially with the current daily technological advances, it is an excellent way to recycle old tablets and smartphones and trade up to more technological advanced models, offering an excellent option for repurposing any old equipment as a 3D hologram style display.
The only negative being that the image needs to be shot in front of a black background to fully achieve a perfect hologram. This excludes any idyllic shots taken at the beach, unless the background colour can be changed using photo editing programs, or the users are not too fussy about the final image holographic quality.
Facts about Holho
• The company is offering a vast variety of prices and sizing on your tablet and smartphone.
• The best value for money deal found is the standard Holho Pyramid which fits a 7-inch and a 10-inch tablet for a mere $55, coming with a sample video and instructions.
• Italian design, adding cultural diversity
• Holho Zed and Holho 3 faces Pyramids were made for 10-inch tablets constructing different shapes, respectively Z and C.
• Higher end of the market can invest in Holho full play, which does not need a smartphone or tablet to create holograms. The package includes amongst other equipment a 16-inch LED monitor.
• Free complementary app, allows users to produce videos for the holographic projection