Explore Major Cities with Momondo Places for iPad
Ever wonder what it would be like to be a local in one of the bigger cosmopolitan cities around the world? momondo places, a cool creation from Momondo, is exactly that. It’s an app that runs on your iPad and gives you the ins and outs of major cities like, New York, London, Barcelona and Rome, to name a few. It offers over 200 places to see, dine at and experience, sprinkled throughout each city, that take you to places you might otherwise have missed. It’s like having a personal guide right on your iPad.
The app currently shares sightseeing information for seven major cities, with more to come:
Barcelona, New York, Berlin, Paris, Copenhagen, Rome, London.
You simply download the app, and check out which city seems to entice the most in that moment. Pick a city and slide the guide that features sights, shopping, dining, hotels and nightlife. For each city, the display rotates between showing these city treats to offering options on travel arrangements to get there and hotels in which to stay. Each city is listed horizontally on the screen, and you scroll through them left to right, right to left. To see details on a city, you must download the latest and greatest to get the most benefit. You wouldn’t want to make plans to see a show, if it’s already sold out!
When you click on either the Flight search or Hotel search buttons, the app takes you to momondo.com, where you can use their online app to search and make bookings. One of the nicest features in this app is the Quick Info. For each city, a quick 4-day weather synopsis is given, making you feel like you are already there, and helps you plan for the right activities. It’s almost like you are living there!
When you click on a downloaded city, you will be taken to a detailed page for that destination. Here you can tap on MOOD. This option lets you select activities depending on how you feel, who’s in your group, how much time you have, and more. It’s an easy way to filter down to options that will work for you on that day. After you click on a mood, momondo places gets to work assembling a tourist guide book, complete with table of contents and packed with pictures, of places that fit the best. Mood options include: Family, Social, Fancy, Cultural, Local, Romantic or Everything. You can mark Favorites for later viewing or sharing. You can search the book for particular items, as well.
This app is absolutely amazing. I wish I had it 6 months ago when I was traipsing through northern Europe looking for places for my family to eat! The only downside to this app is that it needs to add more destinations, pronto! I have already been to six of the seven offered places. Maybe it’s a hint that it’s time for a vacation. In any case, additions are much needed and will be hungrily consumed.
Hats off to Momondo for this creation! I can take this app anywhere, look up things that are fun to do with ease and get going around town. Aside from having your own personal tour guide, this app makes experiencing a city a fulfilling experience!