Parchis UsuParchis
Are you tired of the same old boring board games that don´t seem to make the cut when it comes to entertaining you?
How about you give Parchis-Usuparchis a try? I promise you won´t regret it! You remember the loads of fun Parchis board would give you and your family? Well, now you can have that again and more with Parchis-Usuparchis! In case you do not know about this super-fun game, let me spell it out for you.
Basically, a Parchis board is one that requires at least two players, the maximum being four. Each one of the four players has a home where they have three coins.

While you are moving your coins, you can “eat” your opponents´ coins and send them back to home. Of course, your coins can be eaten too, sending you back home. Sounds like lots of fun already? I know it does!
Well, that is the basics of a Parchis board game. Was my explanation of the game not clear enough? It doesn´t matter! Parchis-Usuparchis is so user-friendly, that you will be a pro and getting down to it in no time.
Parchis board game rises to a whole new level when you play Parchis-Usuparchis. This game allows you to select a board of players if you want to play a match that is waiting for more players. Once you get there, and if they are still missing players, you’re in!
There is a sheriff of the board which is the one that created it. Whenever he decides the number of players is good to go, the game and the fun begin! You can be sheriff of your own board too by starting a game.
There are many game options to play with on Parchis-Usuparchis. You can start your own board, wait for another player and kick off! You can also wait for your board to be completed with four players. Once this is done, if you are the sheriff, you can decide if the game goes individual or by couples.
Couples add a little more difficulty, but it´s a lot more fun, since the couple wins when all their coins have reached the centerboard. Are you not so skilled at Parchis? Not a problem! Parchis-Usuparchis gives you the option to play alone with bots.
I suggest you start here before getting into gaming with other players as this will help you getting used to the interface and the basics of the game. Parchis-Usuparchis promises loads of fun and adrenaline.
Parchis is an exciting game and this app makes the game even more alluring. So, invite your friends and family to join you within the community. Take a fight against your siblings or friends, and see who the best at it is.
Or simply join any table waiting for players and let the fun start! Or even better, be the sheriff and start your own game and decide when to start. The user interface of Parchis-Usuparchis greatly adds to the experience.
Are you reading to have some online fun with an exciting board game? You must download this app now!