Published on December 16th, 2013 | by John
APP REVIEW: Division Cell. A game about geometry
The variations of puzzle games in the appstore seems infinite. The creative and visual potential of this genre is just amazing. Division Cell is a new game in the fray and adds another creative idea to this world.
Built on the core human instinct for symmetry, Division Cell is a puzzle game about creating order from some kind of beautiful chaos. In Division Cell, players must solve an array of challenges in which disorganized shapes must be restored to harmony, balance and order.
The goal is to achieve “harmony in equality” according to the makers, game industry veterans Evgeni Gordejev (Tupsu, ‘The Furry Little Monster’) and Visa-Valtteri “visy” Pimia, a Finnish digital artist who worked for Sony, Remedy and Mr. Goodliving.
Shapes have to be tapped in order to change their order until ending up in equal sizes. This sounds simple as a concept but of course it´s challenging in the execution. The game also has some well done animations since the shapes bounce physically when being touched. It starts off with rectangles but there are also more complex shapes which sometimes seem just to be just a mess until you tap on the right spot and all of a sudden everything slides into order. So this game has also an element of coincidence which helps sometimes, because just playing around might help you sometimes to finish a level.
The design is clear and neat, nothing redundant is distracting from the gameplay. We can´t find any downsides in this game, the only thing is that the competition in this genre is tremendous with so many amazing and stunning competitors. But anyway it´s a great game, carrying out a unique idea into 140 levels. It´s worth to give it a try if you are a friend of geometry.
It´s 1.99$, out for iOS, Android and html5
Division Cell @ Knicket (iPhone)
Division Cell @ Knicket (Android)
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Summary: Amazing Puzzler with great design and a breeze of coincidence.