APP REVIEW Cannon Cat // iPhone & iPad
Cannon Cat
As the name suggests this is a game about a cat that is fired from lots of different cannons. This game is a combination of many things including an action packed, physical, puzzle game.
The player must direct the cat through all of the various cannons on each stage and whilst doing this accumulate all of the skyfish they come across. Initially this is quite an easy process and the player can go along without any trouble.
The player must be strategic when playing this game in order to establish where the cannons are placed, when the correct time is to fire and the strengths and abilities of each cannon.
These points much be figured out early on and to perfect as there is only one feature available to the player and that is touching the screen in order to fire the cat from the cannon. Skyfish have been abducted and kept by a character called “Evil Emu” and it is up to the player to rescue them.

However as the game progresses things start to become more difficult and new challenges are introduced. The cannons begin to manoeuvre when the cat is in them which helps assist which direction the player wants to fire in. The player will find that it is not always best to go in a simple horizontal direction, as this way they may miss out on accumulating certain skyfish. It is best to try all directions and have a good look round to make sure you have not missed any. To conclude each level the player must fire the cat through a circle.
At the conclusion of each stage the player will be scored on the amount of fish collected and to see if they managed to collect the complete set. If the player has failed to collect all of the skyfish then they do not get the bonus. The player has to help them extra special powers such as a protective covering, or an aide to slow things down, or a power which can increase the size of the skyfish so it becomes more simpler to accumulate them. The player can also save their progress so they can return to the previous cannon that they were in last time.
The extra special assistance powers include the aide to slow things down, the chance to return to the previous cannon and all the protective covering to help the player defend themselves from the opposition. The player has the choice whether or not to use these powers and there is the further option where the player can decide whether or not to purchase them.
This game is ideal for mobiles on account of the simple touch screen commands. It is very straight forward and simple to learn how to play it so is ideal for novice gamers.
This game is both accurate and simple to play. It is speedy and very entertaining. This is a free game and the creators seem to want to improve and extend this game so it is certainly a good game to get and to use up some spare time on it. I would certainly recommend this game.