Looking at iOS7 and the latest Android UI’s, flat design seems to be the law nowadays. So if you want your apps to fit in this, you should really think about kicking some old fashioned apps that carry klunky, colourful designs and busy interfaces. We collected 7 apps that look great, driven by inspiring User Interfaces and which are fun to use.
Helps to kids learn the alphabet, makes them draw around the iPad to get rewarded by cute animations. Absolutely flawless and stunningly simple design on a great idea. Created by gifted illustrator Lucas Zanotto, who hails from Helsinki, Finland. DOWNLOAD HERE
A classic interactive kids book for the iPad. Design rules over interactivity here which makes it a little imperfect on the user interface. But it looks just stunning and it’s fun to read this classic kids story. The voice belongs to Helena Bonham Carter. DOWNLOAD
Connects Techno Sound with realtime, software created animations on your iPhone and iPad. A finger tip changes the beat as well as the graphical patterns. An app couldn’t be much simpler, it’s a design masterpiece, endlessly watchable. DOWNLOAD
Explore the swedish woods in this fascinating, creepy game, that creates an atmosphere of fear with simple 2D design, parallaxes, a great story and a perfectly composed soundscape. Who knows why so many of these dark, brillant games come from scandinavia? Maybe their winter is too long. Advise: Play this game during daytime in summer. DOWNLOAD
This black and white iOS game redefines flat 2D animation. It combines parallax, with debris, shadows and silhuettes in the foreground. With these few elements it creates more depth than some 3D games. Especially emotionally this game grabs the players soul to help the protagonist find his sister. Another Scandivanian design classic coming from Denmark. DOWNLOAD
Ok, this game has colours. But they chose a vintage colour palette, added great physics and animations into an embarrassingly simple User Interface to turn users into addicts making lines with dots. A lot of time seemed to be spent on keeping everything as simple as possible and this obviously paid off. After playing weeks we still don’t understand how people make 799 points. Our highscore is stuck at 329. Any tips? As motivation fades here the app is still a design classic that is worth being opened just be looked at. DOWNLOAD
It’s a classic of course. Turns collected articles into a learning, individual and personal newspaper for Android, iPhone and iPad, kept together by a flawless, contemporary flat design. DOWNLOAD